08 Oct 2009

Gardening Party - 3 years

October 2009

For my daughter's third birthday, we decided to do a gardening party! For the invitations, I cut out brightly coloured cardboard flowers. The center of the flower held all the details of the party. The invitation ended with a little rhyme which said: Come along, without a care - we'd really dig if you'll be there!

To set the mood, we stuck large cut out cardboard flowers on the trees in the garden.

As the guests arrived, each child was given a jelly cup with a plastic garden creature hidden inside - butterflies for

the girls and frogs for the boys. We had a large brightly coloured flower photoboard for photos, where the center of the flower was the hole for the kids to peep through.

When all our guests had arrived, we commenced our party activity: we planted flowers.

I bought several trays of seedlings from our local nursery. The children were each given a second-hand ceramic pot (sold at the botanical gardens for R10 each!) They also each received a little plastic spade labelled with their name.

They each planted three seedlings in their pots creating beautiful bright arrangements which they could take home as party souveneirs.

As an added extra, they could also "plant" plastic garden creatures and paper umbrellas in their pots.

We used brightly coloured watering cans to water their little gardens - and these turned out to be the hit of the day!

Soon it was time for the birthday cake and party packs!

Each party pack was a plain brown paper bag tagged with a big bright paper flower which had each child's name written on it. The party packs were filled with an assortment of healthy snacks.

We ended off our party with play time on the jungle-gym. All in all a really fun day!


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