01 Jul 2009

Marie - 2 years

July 2009

Well this is the party we had! The theme was Marie from Disney's Aristocats,
we made a heart shaped cake with a Marie rice paper picture on it, we bought a white cat that looked like Marie and put a ribbon on it. There were lots and lots of balloons which the children loved and a jumping castle. I made little colouring in books and gave each kiddie a box of crayons to take home with the book. I made buckets with lots of sweets and little toys in and it had Marie stickers inside as well. The kids really enjoyed that too! The buckets had pink ribbon on and had a Marie sticker on the lid, unfortunately I don't have a picture of that. We made her name out of polystyrene and painted it. I bought two cat shaped bowls and painted them and put some glitter on them for the marshmallows.
We had a great time - now I need to start planning for birthday number three!
Thanks for the opportunity to share this with you!

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